Engraving News

Bottom closeupSome of you may have noticed my ornaments that I engraved several years ago. Well, I have an announcement – I am becoming a professional engraver!

In May 2015, I flew to Texas to take the engraving course with Ken Brown and now, I am in the process of completing my certification.

I will be available for engraving events, parties, receptions, almost any social event where people will be gathering together. This engraving, with a dental drill, can be done on glass, metal, brass, pewter, almost any surface. I can engrave wine bottles, glasses, plates, knives, serving trays, golf clubs, handcuffs, well, you get the idea!

I am so excited to finally be able to use my calligraphy skills in a new way and add to my experience in providing unique gifts for that special someone.

Look at the pictures I have posted and check back shortly as I will be adding more as I continue my certification process!

