Nashville Calligraphers Guild Exhibition April-May 2015

Posing with Letters


I have four pieces showing at the Centennial Art Center in Nashville Tennessee in the NCG Exhibition this year. Unfortunately, my camera was not cooperating at the time.

I am standing next to my “Decorated Letters: A to Z” which was a project the Guild did called a “Letter a Week.” My project was more like “A Bunch at a Time.” I wanted to use my knowledge of gilding and illumination techniques, learned over the years in numerous workshops and this was a very good exercise in doing that. I learned from each letter that I did.

Blessed“Blessed” has been in process for several years. I started with the soft embossing of the large letters with the scripture filling in the spaces. I left it that way for years, not knowing where it needed to go until I decided to outline the letters, an idea I got from studying quilling (another technique I am going to attempt in my spare time!). It was Makala who suggested smudging the shadows to set off the lettering. I am pleased with the final result.

Two other pieces are also on display. One is the Lord’s Prayer (see photos elsewhere on this site) and another one that was written several years ago in honor of our dog, Ebony, called “Weep Not, Milady.”
