It’s the Timing

I have been busy the past couple of months, planning several different projects, most of which I am happy to say are on their way to fruition, finally. Trying to steal a few extra minutes into a packed life sometimes means no pause for reflections.  Work it while you can has been my chant lately. The master carpenter measures twice and cuts once which is why I never wanted to be a carpenter anyway. All this working in bits and pieces can really test my patience but in the case of these projects, I have had to do a bit at a time. I hate having to create in increments of 15 minutes! My muse doesn’t work that way.

Luckily, one of my projects is very well suited to just a few minutes at a time. The Nashville Calligraphers Guild has an ongoing project of a Letter a Week. The object is to create one letter a week in whatever style you prefer. In my case, it’s more like 26 letters in 26 days. I have to have this piece finished and framed by March 14 for the exhibition in April which means I have a very tight deadline. And the reason why I have such a tight deadline is because of the theme of my letters – which is a secret! Once I have the project completed, I will post pics. In the meantime, I must seriously get to work.

I also have another project I want to finish for the exhibit which won’t take that long (inject disbelieving snort sound here) except that it requires table space which requires a cleaning session but who has time for that? This project requires some paper sculpture which I love to do so I am eager to get started. The problem with paper sculpture is the time it takes to finish a piece. It’s like watching glue dry, oh wait, that’s exactly what it is.

The other two projects I have coming up are two certificates which aren’t due for another couple of months and I already have the sketches laid out so I’m ahead of myself on that which is a good thing.

In the meantime, I must take care of the NCG newsletter which is coming due again in a couple of weeks. Love doing it, hate the computer issues involved. Suffice it to say, time to upgrade. After all, if I had more time, I could update my website more often than every six months.

Oh, wait, I’ve got this idea for a piece about time…



